Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 4 Weigh-In

Because I was out of town, I technically missed the week 3 weigh-in. That is why I am not posting numbers for week 3. It wasn't as bad as I thought tonight when I stepped on the scale. Yes I did gain but it could have been a heck of a lot worse. I did end up going to the gym last night and got 60 minutes of cardio in on the elliptical. I felt very good about how my diet went today. I did some strength training at home today using my elastic tubing and push ups, squats, lunges, and very little core training. Lyndsey, my two year old, did it right along with me. She helped me count my reps and that kept me very entertained. Since she was sick for a few days, I didn't want to go to the gym and risk getting other kids sick. Hopefully tomorrow I can get 45 min of cardio in. Keeping my fingers crossed for a 100% healthy kid tomorrow.

Starting weight: 230
Current weight: 227.2
Total lost this week: Gained 1.2
Total lost for this challenge: 2.8
Starting weight July 2008: 239
Overall weight loss: 11.8 pounds

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